If you’ve experienced the discomfort of wisdom teeth removal, you know how the sleeping experience can be really uncomfortable.

Sleeping after getting wisdom teeth removed can actually be less complicated if you follow the right steps.

There are several reasons why you should have your wisdom teeth removed. When wisdom teeth erupt and they haven’t enough room on the mouth and jaw to develop normally, it may be necessary to remove them.

But how to sleep after wisdom teeth removal?

In this article, you will discover how to sleep properly after getting your wisdom teeth removed, how to make it easier, and how you can suffer less at night.

These methods are particularly useful for the ones suffering the oral cavity a lot or that simply have a low pain threshold.

Can You Sleep If The Tooth Extraction Is Still Bleeding?

It is not unusual to have sleeping issues after a tooth extraction, and that can last one or 2 days.

It is certainly possible to fall asleep while your teeth are still bleeding. However, we recommend using an old pillow or cushion as you will most likely get your favorite ones stained.

In addition, you should also remove the gauze from your mouth before going to sleep.

Furthermore, and as we’ll discover more of it later, it is important to sleep with your head elevated for the first 2 to 3 nights.

How To Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Now that you know it’s definitely possible to sleep when bleeding because of a tooth extraction, let’s discover the most important ways to sleep after a wisdom tooth removal.

Needless to say, getting a tooth operation is not pleasant, and these points will help you sleep properly and get some due rest.

1. Rest After The Surgery

A teeth removal surgery can be stressful and painful and, for this reason, it is important to plan a day off on that day,

According to a report by Mayo Clinic, you should avoid difficult activity that could make you lose blood from the socket.

Additionally, cleaning your mouth after a wisdom teeth removal surgery shouldn’t be with your toothbrush. Instead, you should rinse your mouth using mouthwash for the first 24 hours.

Last but not least, and if you’re a smoker, you should avoid consuming cigarettes for at least 72 hours after the surgery as well as avoiding chewing tobacco.

2. Don’t Forget To Take Your Medication

First things first, and just before going to bed, it is important to take the prescribed medicine you got from your dentist.

After a wisdom teeth removal surgery, you will most probably be in pain, especially on the first day.

As expected, you will need some pain medication such as Ibuprofen to feel less pain. While it is recommended to take your medication before the anesthetic effect gets weaker, we also recommend taking it before bed to dull the pain and allow you to sleep.

Note that, while paracetamol and ibuprofen are good medications to reduce pain, aspirin isn’t, and could increase the bleeding, which is certainly something you want to avoid.

In short, if you want to sleep better after surgery, you will want to remember your pain medication prescribed by your dentist.

3. Massage Your Jaw

Lockjaw is one of the wisdom teeth removal surgery’s side effects. It can cause cramping, pain, headache, and sourness.

Massaging your jaw after wisdom teeth removal will alleviate that cramping, stimulate the blood flow in your jaw, and eventually help with recovery.

4. Rinse Your Mouth With Salt Water

One of the best ways to clean your mouth after surgery and to minimize the swelling and pain is to rinse your mouth with saltwater.

While we do not recommend doing this the same day as your surgery, it is totally possible to start rinsing your mouth the day after.

Rinsing your mouth with salt water 6 to 8 times daily from the second day after wisdom teeth removal surgery will speed up the healing process and make your recovery less painful.

Lastly, and as mentioned previously, doing this step on your surgery day might prolong your bleeding.

5. Place Ice Cubes On Your Cheeks To Decrease The Swelling

If you want to sleep better and feel less pain, you will want to put ice cubes on your cheeks to reduce swelling.

Not only will putting ice cubes on your cheeks decrease the swelling but it will also reduce the pain in your gums which is certainly a great help.

Doing so, even 30 minutes before bed together with your medication, will surely help in sleeping better after wisdom teeth removal surgery.

Last but not least, if you’re willing to have a nap, you should also consider sleeping with the ice pack on your cheek.

6. Lay Down In The Most Suitable And Correct Position

Laying down in the most appropriate and suitable position is simply one of the best answers to sleeping after wisdom teeth removal.

The tooth removal area will likely be ooze after the surgery and during the healing and, therefore, it is important to choose the right position.

Sleeping on the side is the best option, at least for the first couple of nights. In addition, sleeping with your head elevated is essential to feel less pain, and this takes us to our following point.

7. Keep Your Head Elevated

To sleep after a wisdom teeth removal surgery is certainly not an easy task. However, if you want to make it more pleasant and less painful, keeping your head elevated is key to a good night’s sleep.

If you happen to sleep flat on your back, the swelling will most likely increase and will, therefore, increase the pain as well.

Use pillows to keep your head upright and you will notice a serious difference when sleeping after wisdom teeth removal.

8. Avoid Demanding Physical Activities

If you’re wondering how to sleep after wisdom teeth removal, then you should avoid demanding or strenuous physical activities for at least 24 to 48 hours.

Performing demanding physical activities might cause re-bleeding in the tooth extraction area and, needless to say, that is the last thing you want.

Activities you want to avoid are heavy lifting, bending, and sports in general.

9. Call Your Dentist If Needed

In case symptoms become too painful or too unbearable to endure, it is highly recommended to call your dentist immediately.

Whether you experience too much bleeding, swelling or bruising, fever, or loss of feeling, it is a good idea to call your dentist as soon as possible.

In addition, according to research by the National Institutes of Health, some patients will not be able to fully open their mouth for up to a few days and that is normal. However, if the pain comes back after five or more days, your wound might be infected, and that is another reason to call your dentist.

How Long To Sleep Elevated After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

How long should you sleep elevated after wisdom teeth removal? That really depends on several factors.

In general, and regardless of the type of oral surgery, sleeping elevated for the first 2 to 3 nights is a good idea. In fact, it will help drain any fluid from the removal area.

In comparison with sleeping flat, where the swelling will most likely increase and where it will be more painful, sleeping with your head elevated will allow you to remain pain-free or almost.

Best Wisdom Teeth Removal Pain Relief Products

One of the secrets to sleeping after wisdom teeth removal is to take painkillers, and that is no surprise. However, these are sometimes not enough.

Here below you will find the 3 best wisdom teeth removal pain relief products to have home after the surgery.

DenTek Instant Oral Pain Relief Maximum Strength

The instant oral pain relief pills by DenTek are some of the best products to get after surgery. They are made of oral anesthetic, benzocaine, and peppermint.

Applying DenTek’s oral pain relief cream will help numb the painful area and the process to recovery will certainly be easier.

Other than being reasonably priced, over 5,000 users bought them on Amazon and were satisfied with the sense of relief they provide.

StellaLife VEGA Oral Care Recovery Kit – $89.97

If you’re planning to have a wisdom teeth removal surgery, this recovery kit from StellaLife should be in your drawer.

While it is certainly more expensive than other products, this 100% natural solution will speed up and improve your recovery, reduce discomfort, and relieve pain quickly.

Additionally, you will need to start applying this product 3 days before the surgery and continue using it 3 times a day after, which may be not practical for some.

Face Ice Pack For Wisdom Teeth

On the more manual side, this face ice pack for wisdom teeth is one excellent product that will surely make your recovery easier.

This mask will help your jaw get cold without the need to apply ice cubes before sleeping. The headband will also help reduce the swelling and that’s exactly how you will remove your wisdom teeth.

To conclude, if you want a powerful hand-free tool that will keep your jaw and mouth remain safe and comfortable, this is the one.

Our Bottom Line

So, how to sleep after wisdom teeth removal? These were the best ways to fall asleep, to feel less pain, and rest more comfortably.

Now, in short, take the pills prescribed by your dentist, put ice cubes on your cheeks to reduce the swelling, lay down on the side, and keep your head elevated to feel less pain.

To conclude, if you need to have a teeth removal surgery or if you had it very recently, this is how you can sleep better and feel less pain.

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