If you’re someone who only used diapers as a kid, consider yourself blessed. There are adults who have it worse than you.

There are plenty of reasons an adult may wear diapers to bed.

Some people run to the bathroom in the middle of the night because their bladder has reached its limit. It’s fine if it happens once, but some people have medical conditions that force them into this routine 3-4 times per night.

Others have a medical condition that forces them to wear a diaper to sleep. They would just wet the bed if they weren’t wearing a diaper.

Last, some people just feel more comfortable sleeping with a diaper on. Does it sound weird? Perhaps, but who am I to judge? People are free to live however they please. If their life improves by wearing diapers, let them. It doesn’t affect me.

The 4 Main Reasons Adults Wear Diapers to Bed

One of the main reasons adults may wear diapers to bed is because of an illness. This includes diseases like Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, and Multiple Sclerosis. Getting up from bed and going to the bathroom would be a challenge for these people.

Another reason some adults wear diapers to bed is because they have bladder leakage that interrupts their sleep regularly. This can be caused by many factors including urinary tract infections, prostate issues in men, or bladder problems.

A third reason some adults wear diapers to bed is because of diarrhea. Some people have an immune system that doesn’t work properly and as a result they suffer from frequent episodes of diarrhea.

In these cases, it’s clear that we are dealing with people who either have mobility issues, or who wouldn’t be able to go to the bathroom before the leakage. Sleeping in a dirty bed is a miserable experience, so diapers help these people get through the night without issues.

But there is one more category of people who wear diapers to bed. Most people think this is weird. There are adults who wear diapers to bed because they think it’s more comfortable.

Say what?

Yes, some people do it because it makes them feel better. They claim the diaper makes them feel comfortable, like when they were babies.

This could be a symptom of a condition called paraphilic infantilism, or ABDL for short. Basically, people feel like they are babies, and behave like one. It sounds way worse than it actually is though. Most people who suffer from ABDL just like baby things like diapers. Some indulge in abhorrent behavior like pedophilia, but they are an extreme minority. And there’s no actual link between the two, it’s just a potential red flag.

Wearing Diapers as a Healthy Adult

Some people will find it gross. Others will question your sanity. But these people will never even know you are wearing a diaper, unless you tell them. It’s a case of being spooked by something they don’t even know exists.

We prepared a list of pros and cons of wearing diapers to bed. Read it with an open mind and judge for yourself.

Benefits of Wearing Adult Diapers

There are many pros of wearing diapers to bed. Aside from the necessities we outlined above, even perfectly healthy adults can enjoy better sleep with it.

Here are the pros:

  • Diapers make you feel more secure. They gently latch onto your hips and navel, giving a sense of being hugged. Your body remembers this soothing feeling from when you were a kid and loves it.
  • They are way more hygienic. Even if you aren’t someone with issues that end up with a wet bed, your urinary system might still have minor leakages. These add up over the days, causing a sense of discomfort in your pants.
  • They let you relax more easily in bed. No more having to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. You can chill in your bed, do your thing, and go back to sleeping immediately. Diapers are very convenient.
  • There are some people who are into it. Yeah. This might be a con for someone. I don’t know. It’s a fetish. Just putting it out there.

Wearing diapers is not all rainbows and sunshine though. There are potential side effects to it.

Cons of Wearing Adult Diapers

There are potential issues with wearing diapers. Most of these won’t be an issue if you just wear them when you sleep, but it’s still worth to note them. You never know what could happen.

  • They can feel weird or uncomfortable. If you’re used to wearing regular pants, diapers might feel uncomfortable at first. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to them, eventually.
  • They are pretty big. Not big to encumber your movement, but big enough to become noticeable to an attentive eye. Not that anyone will ever come to you and ask if you’re wearing a diaper. But people might notice it.
  • The costs add up quickly. Pants are washable and reusable. Diapers are not. If you wear a new one every day, you’ll have to shell out some money for it. Naturally, if you are just wearing them for comfort, you can afford to wear them more than once, but then there are better solutions to sleep like a baby.
  • They can get very hot. Pants are minimalistic. Diapers cover a lot more area of your body. If the outside temperature is high, you’ll notice a lot more sweating than if you were wearing regular pants.
  • Finding the right size for you might be a challenge. There are companies specializing on making big diapers, but mostly, they are made for people of a specific size in mind.

The Best Adult Diapers for Better Sleep

Look, I’m not saying you are missing out on the greatest invention since the wheel, but adult diapers don’t look all that bad, do they?

That’s why I prepared this section to let you shop for the best ones. You might want to try them on. Why not? If you don’t like them, no harm no foul. But maybe you’ll enjoy them.

Solimo Underwear

If you’re looking for a bargain, look no further. These are by far the cheapest diapers you’ll find that still work great. It’ll keep odors at bay, and wear comfortably thanks to the cotton interiors.

Warning: this product is only for women. Since women’s anatomy differs from men’s, if you’re male you should probably look for a different product. Women have bigger pelvises, so these diapers will be loose around the hips for males.

Tranquillity Premium Overnight

These diapers mimic traditional underwear, meaning they thin, and feel like wearing regular cloth. They are pricier than other solutions, but they make up for it with increased quality. Definitely a great purchase for someone looking for a more high-end product.

Prevail Large Unisex Underwear

These diapers are designed for bigger people. If you’re a bulky individual, then you should consider these. Most other diapers focus on fitting on smaller people. That’s the main reason we included them. Other than their bigger size, they work like most other diapers.


While some people will find wearing diapers to bed weird when they’re unnecessary, ignore them. Who are they to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do? What matters is that you are feeling comfortable in your body.

If diapers are what it takes to achieve this result, then go for them. I know many people whose quality of life improved after making the switch from traditional underwear to diapers.

However, if you love wearing diapers for the hell of it, you should be careful. It could be a symptom of a bigger underlying psychological issue. There are associations and forums dedicated to ABDL, or paraphiliac infantilism.

Give these resources a look and make sure you don’t fall under that category. If you do, seek medical advice. There are trained professionals who will happily help you.

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