Watches almost disappeared, replaced by smartphones. But then things like fitness trackers appeared, making watches come back with a roar. Sleeping with a watch on has its pros and cons. It’s also a question of habit.

If you’re used to keeping your watch on while you sleep, then you’ll probably barely notice it. There are, however, risks associated with sleeping with your watch on. They are nothing major, but they can still be a nuisance.

Watches used to be dangerous a while ago. There is an entire article about radioactivity in antiques on the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s website. What about modern watches? And what about devices that wear like a watch, but with more functions?

In this article, we are going to analyze the issues that can arise from sleeping with your watch on. We’ll also see what positions are best if you must keep your watch on at night.

Editor’s note: we talk about regular watches and smartwatches alike in this article, though some tips only apply to the latter.

Issues of Sleeping with a Watch

Sleeping with a watch is a necessity for many people. Waking up in the middle of the night isn’t fun, but a watch can make it more bearable. You can navigate the pitch-black room by using their integrated light. Or you can just check the time without using your phone. Perhaps you are trying to rely less on your phone because you know about the negative effects they have on your life.

But what could go wrong when you sleep with your watch on?

If you sleep on your side, you’ll use your arm to support your body. If you are sleeping on the same side you wear your watch, it’s going to push against your body, resulting in uncomfortable sleep, and potential wrist pain.

If the watch’s grip is too tight around your wrist, your skin will feel irritated the next day. This problem has a very simple fix: just loosen the strap before going to bed.

Watches could also disrupt your sleep. If you use a mechanical watch, they make their iconic ticking sound. You could get used to it, but you could also not. It’s always better to sleep in complete silence. What if you are nervous? Hearing the watch’s sound is going to frustrate you.

Let’s now analyze fitness trackers and other watches that use various types of connections to function.

These watches release a type of radiation called Electric and Magnetic Field (EMF) radiation. EMFs aren’t dangerous per se, and they are quite common. For example, microwaves, cellphones, and computers emit them.

The issue is being exposed to them all day, especially so close to your brain. When we sleep, our hands are close to our head. Having something emitting radiations for the entire night next to your head might cause issues in the long run. Especially if you are also in contact with other EMF radiations during the day.

And one last thing. If you sleep with someone else and make a sudden movement in your sleep, you risk hitting them with your watch. That’s not as unlikely as you may think.

Also Read: Sleeping with Your Phone Under the Pillow: Is It Dangerous?

How to Avoid Issues while Sleeping with a Watch on

Most of the issues related to watch are about it ending up in the wrong place. Sleeping with a watch pressed on your bed, for example, will cause an irritated wrist.

There are different ways to avoid any potential watch-related sleep issues. Let’s see them together.

Take Off the Watch

This might sound obvious, but to some people their watch is like an arm’s extension. The thought of taking it off never even crosses their minds. If you keep your watch off at night, it can’t cause any issue. No wrist pain, no pressing against your body, and no ticking. What’s there not to love?

Many people report sleeping regularly with their watch on. They are used to it, and they seem to have no issue with it. If you want to sleep with a watch on, try to endure the first 3 or 4 nights, you’ll get used to it, eventually.

Sleep on Your Back

If you sleep on your back, you don’t risk having the watch press on your wrist or body. If you are a side sleeper, keeping your watch on will cause the area to feel irritated. The same applies to sleeping on your stomach. You are likely to use your arms to support your body, which makes it likely for the watch to push against your wrist.

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Disable Notifications

If you are using a smartwatch, turning notifications off is a lifesaver. Or a sleep-saver at the very least. Notifications will ruin your sleep. People have no boundaries nowadays. You might get a WhatsApp message at 3 AM. Do you want to wake up to a message about John’s newborn? That’s super cool, but you could have known about it the following morning and it would have been the same.

Get an EMF Harmonizer Mobility Wrist Band

EMF Harmonizer Bands neutralize harmful EMF radiations reaching your body. Science is still unsure about the harm caused by smartwatches’ radiations, but do you want to find out the hard way? I wouldn’t want to.

Warning: The band doesn’t stop radiations from hitting you, but it nullifies their effect. If you were to measure the amount of EMF radiations around you, you’d still find them.


Sleeping with a watch on is doable. It’s mostly a matter of getting used to it, and stopping the watch from disrupting your sleep. Many people sleep with their watch on and love it. The LED light of digital watches helps them when they have to get up at night.

Your primary worry is to avoid the watch from pressing on your body. Imagine sleeping for a night with your hand under your face, and waking up to a watch pressing on your cheek. That would be awful. You want to avoid similar situations.

By following the advice on this article, you’ll solve any issue related to sleeping with a wristwatch on.

Sleeping with a watch on isn’t a problem per se. It can become one if you aren’t careful with it.

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