There’s a stark contrast between sleeping in a Hilton hotel and your average Airbnb. The luxurious experience is amazing. You live like a king while every need of yours is taken for by a trained staff. The feeling of warmth and care is hard to replicate anywhere else.

At the core of this experience, there are the beds. After all, you enjoy your day much more if you slept well the previous night. The Hilton beds are definitely better than your average bed. Hell, they’re better than most high-end beds.

The beds in Hilton Hotel rooms are designed to be ultra-comfortable, with a mattress that provides the perfect amount of firmness for every type of sleeper. How do they do it? And can you get one for yourself?

In this article, we will explore what makes Hilton’s bed so special and offer tips on how you can make your own bed more like a Hilton Hotel Bed!

You’ll never have an awful night’s sleep…well, at least not because of your bed.

Hilton Beds: An Exercise in Luxury

Few places can boast such comfortable accommodation as Hilton hotels. That much is a given. A big reason for this is the sleeping experience. People feel extra rested after sleeping in a Hilton hotel.

Sure, the all-around premium experience contributes to this, but their beds are what’s doing the heavy lifting.

But how do Hilton hotels achieve this result?

Finding the Mattress

If you loved a bed you’ve slept in, you can enter the location in this page, and Serta will redirect you to an online shop where you can get the bed yourself. This includes the bedding, pillows, and sheet.

Want to know more? Keep on reading. We are going to spill the beans on the exact bedding used in Hilton hotels. Your sleep will never be the same.

The Mattress

The holy grail of mattresses is memory foam. Memory foam decreases pressure on the spinal column and the joints this is crucial for people who have back problems or suffer from arthritis in their back. Thanks to their adaptability, everyone can enjoy a grand night’s sleep in a memory foam mattress.

The engineers that worked on the Hilton hotels’ mattresses did a terrific job. They designed mattresses that ensure excellent comfort. To achieve this result, they combined natural latex and memory foam. This combination creates a healthy sleeping environment. It’s also extremely comfortable.

Guests who have stayed at Hilton hotels before should remember their sleep was restful, which directly results from the type of beds used in Hilton hotels.

Serta is the company supplying mattresses to all Hilton hotels.

Their mattresses are the best in the business. They provide support for a full range of sleepers, from back and stomach to side-sleeping types. They have an impressive cooling system that will keep you comfortable all night long!

It is no wonder why Hilton hotels only use Serta mattresses; these beds are the height of luxury.

The mattress is the centerpiece of any bed.

A good night’s sleep starts with a well-designed mattress that provides proper support for your body and has just the right firmness level for you, which differs depending on whether you’re an “average sleeper” or someone who likes to change positions during their sleep.

Serta has a wide range of mattresses suitable for everyone, but the one used by Hilton hotels is the Serta suite dreams.

It’s very expensive. Outrageously so, even. But its quality is unmatched. You’ll feel you’re sleeping on a cloud. It is that comfortable.

The gel cooling technology is what’s worth mentioning. As you sleep, the mattress adjusts to your body temperature and regulates it by dispersing heat away from your head, neck, back and limbs in any way possible.

Your sleeping position doesn’t matter. Back, side, or stomach, this bed won’t disappoint you. You’ll never have another awful night’s sleep.

The Pillows

Pillows are an important part of a good night’s sleep. They help align your neck and spine, reducing the risk of pain or stiffness in the morning. The type of pillow you use can also make a big difference in how well you sleep at night. For example, many people swear by using memory foam pillows because they conform to the shape of your head for optimal support and comfort.

Anyone who has spent a night at the Hilton hotels knows how crucial the pillows are for the sleeping experience. And just like with the mattresses, Serta supplies pillows to all Hilton hotels.

You can buy the same pillow used in Hilton hotels. Consider yourself warned, though. You’ll never want to sleep with any other pillow. This luxurious set includes two pillows, one of which is a memory foam pillow and the other with coils.

The Bedding

Bedding makes up about half of your sleeping experience, so it’s important to choose it carefully. You want something that feels luxurious and soft against your skin while you sleep – but not too hot or heavy because this can cause you to toss and turn.

If you want to accomplish the same level of bedding comfort, don’t look any further. Get yourself a set of these. They use high-quality linens that will stay cool and feel luxurious against your skin.

The Mattress Protector

Mattresses are an investment, so they need to be well-protected. A mattress protector is a good way to protect your expensive purchase and ensure that you get the most years out of it before needing another one. This product will help keep dirt, allergens, and fluids from seeping into your mattress or bedding.

Hilton hotels offer mattress protectors, and surprise! Serta supplies them, just like everything else.

Serta’s Mattress Protector is the one that Hilton hotels use. Its waterproof and hypoallergenic properties will protect your expensive mattress from dirt, fluids, or allergens while still giving you a comfortable night’s sleep.

The Box Spring Bed Frame

A bed frame can make getting into and out of your bed much easier. It also adds a nice decorative touch to the room and helps hold up the mattress so you can enjoy it for years without sagging or feeling like you’re sleeping in an indentation from when our parents used their beds as trampolines.

Serta’s (yes, again) box frames provide the best sleeping experience by providing sturdy support and eliminating bed bounce. This is the least necessary part of the bed. If you have a bed frame that isn’t too old, you can afford to keep it and save the money.

But if you’re renovating your bed, then get a Serta box frame. It’ll go perfectly with your new setup and provide an outstanding sleeping experience.

Replicating the Hilton Sleeping Experience at Home

The bed is a fundamental part of sleep, but not the only one. Sleeping in a Hilton hotel is so good because the entire experience is about making you feel good. When you go to bed, you are happy and relaxed, because the staff served you well.

At home, things are different. Some people seem to make it a point to ruin your day. While it’s good to learn to not get fussed by them, there are other things you can do to improve your sleep. A messy life causes poor sleep. You want to be relaxed and ready to fall asleep when you go to bed. Which doesn’t happen if you haven’t trained your body to do so.

So, it is important to get your life in order so that you can enjoy better sleep. If your life is chaos all the time, it’s going to be difficult for you to sleep. That’s why it is so important to create a routine for yourself that will help you sleep.

Here’s a list of tips you can implement today to improve your sleep’s quality. (How do I improve the quality of my sleep? – Harvard Health)

  • Set a bedtime—if you go to bed at the same time every day, you will start feeling tired 30-60 minutes before going to bed.
  • Stick to your sleep schedule—waking up at the same time every day is helpful in sleeping well.
  • Don’t nap after 5 PM—or else it is hard to sleep before midnight.
  • Finish big meals 3 hours before bed—digesting is an activity that requires a lot of effort from our body. Even if you fall asleep, you won’t rest as well.
  • Relax with a light snack or glass of water before bed—these have a soothing effect. There are also hot beverages that will help you.
  • Avoid screens in the hour leading up to bed—blue light from screens is a sleep killer.
  • Wear comfortable clothes to bed—or go naked. It’s important to feel comfortable, or you’ll have to fight the uneasiness while trying to sleep.
  • Invest in a quality mattress—such as the one we talked about in this article.
  • Avoid caffeine and nicotine before bed—these block your brain from producing melatonin, the sleep hormone.

Sleep quality is fundamental to living a good life. Lack of sleep affects our mood and energy. If you feel tired all the time, it’s because you aren’t sleeping well.

Plus, poor sleep is associated with long-term health issues such as memory loss, heart disease, and causes hormonal imbalances all over your body.


As you can see, the whole setup isn’t cheap. But damn if it isn’t worth it. You’ll sleep like a king. A quality setup is going to improve your sleeping experience. You will never want to sleep in a regular bed again.

Splurging on a mattress might sound weird to some, but it’s one of the best investments you could make.

A good mattress is a simple investment worth the money you spend. You will not regret it when you wake up feeling refreshed after a good night of sleep. A good mattress can help ease your pain, whether it be caused by arthritis or just old age. Not only that, but it also helps with joint stiffness and bone density. A good mattress can have a positive impact on your mood.

Also Read: What Mattress Does Holiday Inn Express Use?

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